For 2 sided banners that require pole pockets follow image below (sizes are only examples):

We accept the following file formats: JPG and PDF

Make your artwork in the exact size that you are ordering. No bleed. No crop marks.

For PDF all fonts must be outlined or provide a flattened file. If the file does not come to size, is corrupt or otherwise unfit to print, it will be put on hold till further notice until it is sent correctly (either by size or resolution).


•    72 dpi resolution at 100% of the final print size (for JPG & PDF). 
•    150(+) dpi resolution at 50% of the final print size (for JPG & PDF). 
•    CMYK only (We do not print Pantone / 5th / Spot / RGB)

$10 per piece 
(for large quantity orders please submit an estimate)